Building dreams

Stage 1: Our new training kitchen is shaping up nicely! With the foundations laid and walls up, we're now onto the nitty-gritty of installing utilities. Huge shout out to our amazing supporters for making it all possible! We are about 80% equipped for the heavy duty kitchen equipment.

Cooling Things Down: Our new bakery department will be air-conditioned. It's all about creating the perfect environment for our trainees to unleash their baking talents and creativity!

Looking Ahead: Stage 2 is on the horizon, with plans for an adjoining restaurant and meeting room. But first, let's get this kitchen up and running! We'll be starting training again in our brand new kitchen, towards the end of August

Advisory panel: With everything happening so fast I advertised for an advisory panel to help with admin, fundraising, social media , accounting etc etc. I'm delighted to tell you we had many volunteer applicants and we now have some excellent advisors with foundation experience to help us along the way.  On behalf of myself and the students, a big thank you to those who quietly give up their time to help others..

Training support: We have a new training support book for students. With language barriers, its a great way for them to take their own notes and  reflect back on the course after they start work. Everything we do on the course is covered in the book, including over 400 recipes!  During the course we have a social media group and share pictures of what we've been cooking or preparing. Methods of cookery are recorded and are there for reference after the course.

On schedule: With Thai new year and temperatures over 40C /105F things slowed down a little but we are ahead of schedule to complete the build. The builders are amazing, working in  difficult conditions.  Our bricklayer is a Burmese lady who is just amazing. The speed she builds walls is stunning! With a little help from previous students

Future events: We will be hosting a series of fundraising lunches/dinners in the new building (while it is still a raw brick and concrete floor environment) with a surprise theme. We hope to have parties of 10 at a time. Some of the post grad students will be coming to cook for us. Please let me know if this appeals to you!

Community: Chiang Mai University (CMU) will be creating a brand new degree course in Culinary Arts. I have agreed to do some teaching and assist with the syllabus. Ultimately a collaboration between our Foundation and CMU can only benefit our own students with possibilities of future employment on the university campus and accreditation of our certificate.

So, it's all systems go! We are actively seeking corporate sponsorship from companies who would benefit from a charitable footprint in South East Asia. If you or your employer would be interested please ask for a sponsor pack. It is our intention to commit to sponsors who commit with us and the students. Right now, we need 160,000 baht to complete the next course.
We are so grateful for your existing support -  please ask a friend if they would like to join us on our journey

Book a table of ten friends to come and experience a great dinner and a fun atmosphere in our half built commercial kitchen - tel 0861117766 or 0847417471 (Thai)

Thanks again for all your support


Party time!


Student placements update.